
Stormproof Windows, Casement Windows, Sash Windows: Which Ones Are the Right Fit for You?

Stormproof Windows, Casement Windows, Sash Windows: Which Ones Are The Right Fit For You?

Are you looking for weather-resistant windows for your home? You’ve likely stumbled across the terms stormproof, casement, and sash.

But what is the difference between these two types, and more importantly, which one is suitable for my property? This guide will showcase the nuances and ideal circumstances behind these three windows.

An Introduction to Stormproof, Casement, and Sash Windows

Stormproof, casement, and sash windows all share the same features of being structures that provide ideal protection against harsh weather. They are popular in Great Britain, Ireland, and Northern Europe.

However, each window type has a significant difference, ranging in effectiveness for certain circumstances. Those are often visual appeal, functionality, and level of weather resistance.   We break down the nuances and highlight where the structures are most ideal.

Which of the Windows is the Right Fit for You?

Find below the definitions and benefits of the stormproof, casement, and sash windows.

Stormproof Windows

The title defines stormproof windows as popular options for homes that consistently face adverse weather. The integrated weather seal protects the windows from intense winds and rains, including an outside opening on the window that forces the sash to the frame.

Stormproof windows are a popular choice in the United Kingdom because:
  • Versatility in window space arrangement
  • Robust resistance to harsh weather conditions
  • Stable construction to last for the long-term
  • Optional equipment available to customize the windows
These windows are best if you live in an area with unpredictable weather conditions. It would help if you had a straightforward yet effective solution for extra home protection.

Casement Windows

Casement windows, much like stormproof ones, are another great option to protect homes against intense atmospheric conditions. However, the fundamental difference between casement windows and their counterparts is the traditional aesthetic and higher level of customizability.   The standout features of casement windows include:
  • Casement pressed against the frame during high winds
  • Modification options include increasing acoustic properties
  • Built to last through harsh weather
  • Easy, swing-open or crank function
Casement windows are easier to open, meaning they’re best to allow more air or ventilation into your home. The structures suit those that want bolstered weather resistance yet frequently need to let fresh air inside or vent the property.

Sash Windows

Sash windows incorporate weather resistance features like the other two windows. However, the significant difference lies in these construction’s functionality.

Sash windows operate an up-down sliding system with weights used as the opening mechanism. Those concerned more about traditional appeal rather than adverse weather would find their ideal windows in these pieces. Conservation areas and listed buildings usually prefer sash windows.

Other benefits include:
  • Excellent structural stability
  • Increased window frame size allowing more light
  • Optimal resistance to harsh weather
  • Quality standard equipment
Sash windows tend to be chosen where weather protection, ventilation, and security are all concerns. Apart from their traditional aesthetic, these structures provide optimal weather resistance, create more convection, and can be locked partially open.

Windows of Timber Can Help You Decide

Are you having trouble deciding which of these windows is suitable for you? Windows of Timber sells a quality range of stormproof, casement, and sash windows, where they can advise on the best options.

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